Friday, March 18, 2011

Tips on holiday in Yogyakarta.

12:06 PM |

Who does not know Yogyakarta? Everyone knows, Yogyakarta is a place that must be visited when completing year-end holidays or school holidays. Choice of tourist attractions in Yogyakarta also varied, such as visiting the Palace, visit the Prambanan Temple, or to Parangtritis and more. No less important, you and your family would have to equip themselves with various tips about tourist attractions in Yogyakarta below.

1. Beware of pickpockets
Especially when the crowd at the Jalan Malioboro, be careful with your wallet. Store in a safe place, inside the bag, in front pants pocket, or leave valuables in your hotel room and bring lunch to taste. Do not show any valuables such as jewelry is striking, cell phones, and others because it will attract the attention of pickpockets.

2. In the tourist attraction

Well when you will enter the Borobudur, Kraton, and other objects, usually you will be "invaded" by the peddlers with a variety of merchandise. If you are not interested or do not intend to buy, do not try to bargain. Better to leave it with a fine and do not have cared.
Prepare a dime
If at any time you approached by a group of street children, beggars, and street artists, you better give up a dime to Rp 500 or Rp 1,000 instead of having to be made uncomfortable by their tantrums.

No smoking
Especially in the palace, you are not allowed to smoke and to behave / dress that is less polite.

3. Pedicab
One time when you need go for a walk around town, you can use a pedicab transportation. The price should you offer, especially if the pedicab driver know you are a tourist who is considered not know the circumstances of Yogyakarta. You will be charged with high tariffs. Ask your hotel staff or guides you if you want to travel, either by rickshaw or other transport. Do not be tempted by the offer of a pedicab driver to take you buy souvenirs, such as bakpia, Dagadu shirts, and so forth.

4. Typical food
Yogya is a typical food warm, bakpia Pathok, Geplak, yangko, ampyang, dent nuts Bantul (bigger, solid, crispy, and savory), kipo (traditional food is very scarce typical Kotagede).

5. Lesehan
Before you eat, ask first what is the price per portion. Usually traders lesehan not include price.

6. Prepare transportation,
because the location of attractions worth visiting in Yogyakarta quite far apart, this point is important to be prepared so as not to drain the pocket because of the use of public vehicles. Solution: In Yogyakarta there are many car rental agencies or motorcycle with cheap price. Sufficiently armed with maps jogjakarta and ready to ask (people are very friendly Jogja kok-ed). Motorcycle rental locations can be found at Jl. Flower Market (road south of Tugu station)

7. Create a plan for tourist visits by groups of locations, this in order to save time and transportation cost

8. Places to stay, no need to worry about wearing a place to stay, because the lodging of Yogyakarta there are many guesthouses to five-star hotel. If funds are limited, a large selection of reasonably priced hostels in the area but clean Sosrowijayan (west of Malioboro street)

9. Places to eat, there is one important NOTE if you want to eat at the Malioboro area or tourist attractions around Yogyakarta, first ask the price of food or ask for a list price of food. Because lately there are vendors selling food and naughty-use vacation moment to raise prices.

10. Shopping souvenirs, shopping for souvenirs in the area of ​​Malioboro start with a bid 60% of the price offered.

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