Thursday, March 24, 2011

Enjoying Merapi and Merbabu Mountain From Ketep Pass

8:29 AM | , ,

Realms of the mountain is always presenting a panorama of extraordinary natural beauty. This can be witnessed from the natural attractions that dberi Keteppas name. This location had been specially prepared by the Government of Magelang district to visit the tourists who want to see the beauty of natural scenery as well as Mount Merapi volcano Merbabu.

The journey to Keteppas of Yogyakarta Magelang until Arriving road along the intersection Blabag Mungkid Magelang regency take the path to the right department Boyolali. After traveling approximately 45 miles through winding streets and steep, will arrive in Keteppas natural tourist attraction.
In place of very cool valve is provided by the ample parking area equipped floored konblok other supporting facilities for the convenience of visitors.

Even the movie theater there, but it also presented a documentary film playing only the eruption of Mount Merapi, which was recorded on camera. There are also museums of Mount Merapi, which will further add to the knowledge of kegunungapian.
From this Keteppas will be treated as far as the eye could see incredible scenery. Feeling at a height so that there is in front of the eyes become small department. When looking toward Mount Merapi seen such a vast expanse of the valley which then crept up to the peak of Mount Merapi. Facing the other direction will be treated to the natural beauty of the mountain slopes Merbabu.

It's not complete until they've been visiting Keteppas. From this place can to raise awareness of how elegant nature that is around us. If you want to travel berpetualan can proceed in the direction Boyolali, then take a right into the direction Kartasura Solo, also could continue to Kopeng who was behind the Mount Merbabu

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